Wish Books for Children

What a great gift to give a child-a wish book. Children have great imaginations and no limitations. While they are young, let them collect pictures of everything they want to do, have and become. Then watch their faces as they explain their pictures to you. You will realize that they believe they can have and acheive what is on their pictures...and if you don't tell them otherwise...they will! Let's teach our children how to set goals!

Give Yourself the Gift of Release!

When you move something out of your life that you don't want, you are automatically making room for the 'new'! When something you want has not appeared, that is a good sign that you probably need to release and let go of something to make room for it.

Sometimes a simple physical release is just what you need to trigger a deeper one. Something like cleaning our closets, your drawers, your car, or your office. Invariably, when you do this, you will be on the recieving end-because when something goes-something has to come in.

Don't waste your time holding grudges. Forgiveness is an emotional and spirtual release. It is very effective and is one that is holding many people back in their spiritual, emotional and physical lives. Many people are afraid of the word 'forgiveness' because they think they have to do something unpleasant or uncomfortable. Imagine telling that person that you have forgiven them and literally watch the resentment disapear. You may have to do this more than once.

Hi from Hercules (Glenda's little doggie)

The reason my poor mommy is so behind on this blog is because I have been sick with my left leg for sometime. I'm not allowed to use (and I want to run so badly), so she has to carry and watch me like a Hawk all day. She has been doing her meditation and positive thinking to help me get better. Dog's are very connected to us, and the left leg represents moving forward, so it has been nice giving my mommy a nudge in the right direction. Look forward to good things from her, and on occasion from me :).

A Secret to getting Ahead!

Whatever you are doing-give it your ALL, give it your BEST; because, it will lead to a better, more productive place. If you don't, you are just being mediocre and you'll never get ahead. You'll just stay where you are in mediocrity.

Do you Say I Love You?!