You Have Blueprints In Your Head!
Do You Love You?
With God's help, I am now deliberately & joyously radiating divine love to myself, my world and to all mankind.
Research by World renowned sociologists found that love can be deliberately produced by humans and we can all learn to generate love.
Begin each day by mentally sending love to each person you will see or have appointments with-and expect the have a successful day!
No matter how many prosperity laws you know, if you don't live love, all else seems of little value.
When you encounter a person who is having trouble or is not pleasant to you, shoot him in the back (or front) with love.
Harvard scientists found that you can actually bombard people & situations with live and produce miraculous changes.
Intuition is a spiritual faculty & will not force its answer on you. It waits for you to listen in a relaxed mood.
As you go thru daily life, act as if you are in the presence of Divine Intelligence.It is right with you & delights in guiding & helping you.
Everyone has intuition which simply points the way to your greatest good.Human reasoning is never as good as intuition.
Mother's Day Feng Shui
Use your LUCKY ENERGY 24 hours a day.
Glenda Feilens secret prosperity tip for you!
FREE Feng Shui Tips: Bring balence to your life. Bring romance to your bedroom and find out how to Never feng shui this way
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Success doesn't come to go to it.
Watch this new movie coming in November: The Journey Movie with Bryan Tracy, Bob Proctor, Glenda Feilen and others.
Life is not about weathering the storm. It is about dancing in the rain.
Just attended another cheer competition-this time in Palm Springs to see my granddaughter. If anyone thinks cheerleaders are not athletes they simply are uninformed and have never seen the rigorous exercises or attended the hours of practice. Just like everything in life, "The Quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." Oliver Wendell Holmes
As you deliberately express love, it comes back to you multiplied.
If you analyze this thing called love, you will discover that life is a process of giving & receiving love in its many phases.
If you give grudgingly, there is no energy behind that giving. It is the intention behind your giving and receiving that is the most important thing.
If, through the act of giving, you feel you have lost something, then the gift is not truly given and will not cause increase.
If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others to become materially affluent.
Prosperous thinking opens the way to prosperous results.
I now let go of worn-out things, worn-out conditions, and worn-out relationships. Divine order is now established and maintained in me and my world.
If there is failure of lack in your life, it is because you first imagined it in your mind. Charles Filmore
Man's only limitation is the negative use of his imagination.
Consciously love yourself, love your life-every little bit of it.Direct love to any situation in your life that seems difficult.
You may trust love to get you out of your difficulties. There is nothing too hard for it to accomplish for you.
Love is the equalizing, harmonizing, balancing,adjusting force that is ever at work throughout the universe.
Harvard scientists discovered that when you bombard people, situations and conditions with love you can produce miraculous changes.
It’s okay to make mistakes. They are part of success.
Don't be a bully. Don't beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself.
If your finances are currently out of control, your thoughts and words are also out of control. Change your habitual thoughts and words.
Everything in the universe works with the law of attraction. There is a current of energy that runs thru everything on this planet and in this universe.It is the basis of our world and it is the basis of you.
Asking begins the creative process. Only when you develop the state of mind where you can ask for something, can you develop the state of mind where you can achieve it
You can guarantee a great tomorrow by creating great thoughts today.
As you change yourself, you change what comes into your life.
Divine law is all about cause and effect.
A study at the State University of New York found ordinary positive events, such as praise at work boosted production of immune cells for 2 days.
Researchers in psychoneuroimmunology found overwhelming evidence that a positive mood can boost the immune system.
Duke University Med. Center found a relationship between cardiovascular performance and watching violent movies.
Unsuccessful people don't make decisions.
You are an unprecedented event in the universe.You have unlimited potential!!
Your past will equal your future unless you decide to make some changes. Doing something different creates something different.
People who focus on bad news or events & talk about it-get more of what they've focused on-more bad things.
Do I mean if you feel depressed or sad or nasty, you're likely to attract a bad event such as a fight with someone or having an accident? You've got it!
Your energy field is working for you or against you every second.
You are constantly creating something-so get conscious about it. If you don't create something on purpose, you're creating whatever happens.
"We don't see things the way they are; we see them the way we are."So if I'm upset with someone, I'm upset with myself? Makes sense.
It's never too late for a miracle. Expect a miracle tonight!
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap; but by the seeds you plant." Robert Louie Stevenson
Character is what you are in the dark. Moody
It is so totally gorgeous on my back patio. I have had to move the umbrella 3 times because the sun is so hot.The birds are going crazy with their chirping while I'm having fun with Social Media. Live is SOOOOO great. Hope yours is a wonderful as mine!
Love this guy!! James Allen said,"You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration."
"Don't find fault. Find a remedy." Henry Ford. Oh, yeah!!
It's never too late to be what you might have been. Start today! Start right this minute!
Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is? Frank Scully
This is one of my very favorite quotes. I've been using it to teach leadership skills for decades. Enjoy! "The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence regardless of his chosen field of endeavor." Vincent Lombardi
"If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground." Emerson
The time is now; the place is where you are; You can't do anything about the past so quit looking back. You CAN do everything about influencing your future.
"Adversity does teach who your real friends are." Lois Bujold
When you love what you are doing, your work is like play.
"Enthusiasm is the engine of success." Ralph Waldo Emerson
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
You can't raise a man up by bashing him down.
Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone the hardest, which is the latter.
GET FREE- You can now watch Glenda's Advance Vision board Webinar free on my website under the FREE STUFF tab.
By controlling the thoughts you feed your creative mind, you can control your life and future.
Thoughts are habit in your mind reproduced in your physical world.
You ARE the sum total of your dominant thoughts. At this point in your life, you are exactly what you've thought about and what you've allowed others to implant into your creative mind.
Lisha and Kari Schneider, my twins, Don Boyer, and me on the set.
Nik Halik, Ridgely Goldsborough, and me shooting a scene for the upcoming movie 'The Journey'
Glenda likes travel with her twins except when they take a little too much luggage. This was OVERNIGHT!
The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true
What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve!
A day will never be anymore than what you make of it.
No one else is telling you this!
Use the Law of Attraction in all 3 of your critical energy fields.
The Law of Attraction takes Action
Maybe it's the way you asked. Are you visualizing like this?
Check out my FREE VISUALIZING TRAINING on my website under the 'Free Stuff' Tab.
Dinner with DJ Surprise Party. Everyone had an ingredient in a dish, everyone helped make dinner - under Chef DJ's direction, of course and everyone ate the delicious meal.
Great party, Dad! Oh how fun - but mom didn't tell me we were going to have it. Maybe it's because I just can't keep a secret.
He's a hard guy to surprise, but Shala did it! Sneakiness paid off.
Lisha Schneider with world renowned chef, Dennis Lamboy. Maybe Lisha will learn to cook....Maybe not?
Great night; great company; great food-Yummmmm.
Labels: A surpise Party
We are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience. If you aren't sure of that, just hold one of these precious little spirits that just landed on earth. Look in their eyes and they will touch your soul.
This little guy couldn't come home for 22 days. He just came home to be with his mom, dad and sister. Sister was wowed..just kept touching his hair and gently kissing him.
I love my grandkids. They are so open, only see what's possible, bring great energy to whomever they are near.
Labels: Tatum is home
Marie Diamond, incredibly loving and full of wonderful energy. I studied 'the Law of Attraction in the environment' from Marie. Her incredible insights that make Feng Shui even more fun and powerful.
Marie Diamond, the twins, Shala, and me. Having fun at her WEL circle, her 'girlfriend' circle. What a great time we had.
Glenda Feilen in Bob Proctor's home office. On his desk he had a small book open to a certain page. He said he had that specific page open to that spot for over a year already, reading the particular paragraphs he was contemplating over and over again, meditating on them and determining their true meaning. He has a fabulous collection of books - some of them rare. He and his wife served us a delicious dinner after which we went down stairs and hung out in the room where he had a pool table. We played his very authentic juke box with all the 'oldies but goodies'.
Glenda Feilen, Kari Schneider, Bob Proctor, Lisha Schneider
Posted by Glenda Feilen on Saturday, February 27, 2010
My twins, Lisha and Kari Schneider and I with Bob. He is such an inspiration and has such a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works. I was grateful to have been one of thirteen people who was personally mentored by him and Vic Johnson for a year. He is a delightful, joyous person, who unselfishly teaches pearls of wisdom to those who are open to his teachings.
The energy around you in your environment very much affects you and the messages you give to the universe. Symbolically, windows and mirrors represent opportunities. You want to keep them clean and shinnying brightly so you can see all the opportunities that you have coming to you. When sun shine comes in through the windows in brightens your life like new opportunities do.
Labels: feng shui, self growth, self improvement
How many of these do you have in your life? You can recognize them right away. Do everything you can to keep them at a distance otherwise you might end up joining them.