DC CORDOVA Money and You

Huddling with DC Cordova on a cooooold winter night on a ship in the harbor. DC's MONEY AND YOU workshop is pretty terrific. Lots of eye-opening experiences and useful information....but only if like money!

MARIE DIAMOND Diamond Feng Shui

Marie Diamond, incredibly loving and full of wonderful energy. I studied 'the Law of Attraction in the environment' from Marie. Her incredible insights that make Feng Shui even more fun and powerful.

Marie Diamond, the twins, Shala, and me. Having fun at her WEL circle, her 'girlfriend' circle. What a great time we had.

Bob Proctor in his Home Office

Glenda Feilen in Bob Proctor's home office. On his desk he had a small book open to a certain page. He said he had that specific page open to that spot for over a year already, reading the particular paragraphs he was contemplating over and over again, meditating on them and determining their true meaning. He has a fabulous collection of books - some of them rare. He and his wife served us a delicious dinner after which we went down stairs and hung out in the room where he had a pool table. We played his very authentic juke box with all the 'oldies but goodies'.

Glenda Feilen, Kari Schneider, Bob Proctor, Lisha Schneider

My twins, Lisha and Kari Schneider and I with Bob. He is such an inspiration and has such a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works. I was grateful to have been one of thirteen people who was personally mentored by him and Vic Johnson for a year. He is a delightful, joyous person, who unselfishly teaches pearls of wisdom to those who are open to his teachings.

Window Represent Opportunities

The energy around you in your environment very much affects you and the messages you give to the universe. Symbolically, windows and mirrors represent opportunities. You want to keep them clean and shinnying brightly so you can see all the opportunities that you have coming to you. When sun shine comes in through the windows in brightens your life like new opportunities do.

Happiness Robbers

How many of these do you have in your life? You can recognize them right away. Do everything you can to keep them at a distance otherwise you might end up joining them.