Do you know you have a vibrational self? Only a few people know that they have a part that runs on energy. It is one of the most important parts of you in creating the world you want. After reading this article, you will have a mental picture of your energy body. It should be foremost in your mind as you think, speak, and determine your momentary feelings.
The condition of your energy self, that is the vibrations it is radiating, shapes your present moment as well as your future. The fact is that you are a living, breathing magnet attracting exactly what your energy self is radiating. Whatever you are feeling, you are vibrating, and therefore attracting. Think of everything in this universe as energy, because it is. The universe is composed of pure energy. Energy vibrates at different rates of speed and because of this it takes on different consistencies. Physicists have proven that everything in your world that appears solid is actually made up of swirling molecules, which are vibrating at different frequencies and molds them into their current forms. It can be solid like a chair and vibrate very slowly. It can be a finer form of energy like water which vibrates faster. It can be a much finer form of energy such as light, which vibrates faster than you can even imagine. Your own body therefore is energy. The electrons and atoms in your body make waves of living energy which ripple and spread themselves into patterns.
Scientists have measured the body’s vibrational frequency when people were at various physical and emotional states. They found that the human body becomes stronger or weaker depending on a person’s mental state. The lowest vibration was shame, therefore when you have a shameful thought you weaken yourself. The next is guilt, and then apathy, grief, fear, anxiety, craving, anger, and hate. Going up the scale to positive emotions, you have willingness, optimism, acceptance, forgiveness, reason and understanding, love and reverence, joy and serenity, peace and bliss, and enlightenment.
Physicists have also found that people actually have the ability to control the frequency at which their bodies vibrate. Of course they can! If people can control their thoughts, why couldn’t they control the feelings behind those thoughts! You have the ability and power within you to increase your vibrational rate at any moment you choose.
You’re vibrational or energy self is housed within your physical body and is closely related to it. Before an illness manifests physically, those who can monitor the energy body find changes and imbalances there first. You have major energy centers which are located at specific points in your energy body. Because it is the universal Law of Attraction that you magnetically attract what you vibrate, you must first make sure that your energy centers and cells are filled with light so that you are vibrating at a rate of speed that will attract the things and people you desire in your life. You can accomplish this by breathing in white light. See white light coming into the top of your head. Breathe in and feel the energy as you mentally visit and infuse each energy center. As you fill your body with this light, drop down to the next energy center and continue, stopping at each one as you bathe it in the white energizing light.
You imagine all the time. Your imagination rules your world. What you imagine is already real at the moment it is conceived, so just go for it. Ok, begin. Breathe in white light. Feel it as it infuses:
The top of the head
The throat
The heart
The abdominal/stomach area (behind the navel)
The reproductive/genital area
The base of the spine
The last step is to mentally send the white light up and down the spine and see it emanate outward from the spine to all parts of your body.
This can take from a few seconds to several minutes.
Many things during the day deplete your energy; therefore it is important to nourish your energy body at least every morning, and often throughout the day if you are feeling down emotionally or energetically depleted. After you’ve supplied your body with this light energy on a regular basis for a short while, you will be able to feel a difference in your energy level as surely as you can feel a difference after you’ve had a nourishing physical meal. When you infuse your energy centers with white light, you will begin to feel younger and even look younger. You don’t age as fast because cell tissues don’t break down as quickly. You are more creative and spontaneous. You are healthier because you are raising the vibration of every one of your other selves: the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual.
What Depletes Your Energy Body?
Everything in the universe is energy. You are an energy being. Because of this, it is important for you to realize 1) where your energy is being depleted 2) what you are personally plugging your energy into 3) how it is currently affecting you and 4) how to keep your energy. If you send your energy away from you in a way that depletes it, you can actually end up with an energy deficit, which can be deadly, literally! When this occurs, degenerative diseases, depression, suicide, and such deathly situations can occur.
It is important to realize that your energy body is closely connected to your physical body and has a great influence on it. The speed at which you vibrate is determined by your feelings, is also determined by the speed of those things into which you plug your energy circuits, as well as the amount of energy you simply give away or squander on unimportant things. The amount of energy and the speed at which your energy is vibrating determines the rate at which your physical cells can heal or the rate at which they degenerate.
Your thoughts are accelerated forms of energy which directly influence not only your energy body, but others’ energy bodies. Negative thoughts vibrate at a slower rate of speed than positive thoughts. Negative thoughts are heavier than positive thoughts. People often say, “Lighten up,” when they see you are depressed or feeling badly. When you have resolved a major negative situation you feel like you’ve had a heavy load lifted off you. On the other hand, positive thoughts are lighter and vibrate at a much faster speed than negative ones. You feel differently when you think of negative situations than when you think of happy ones.
When you think about another person, your circuits are literally touching circuits that connect with them. They do not have to be thinking about you in return. You create the energy flow with your thoughts. Picture in your mind how this works. When you think of someone, you literally connect with them, and if you could see your energy-filled self and theirs, you would see a place where you were both connected. You send and transmit your energy to that person and part of your energy self is becoming part of theirs.
Words are powerful accelerated forms of energy and create vibrations equivalent to what you are speaking. Depending upon your thoughts and your words, you either give or receive positive energy creating a healing, energizing effect with circuitry benefiting both participants, or you connect your circuits to places that drain you and them of energy and become damaging leaks.
What causes leaks? Worry causes leaks. Your worrisome thinking physically drains you. It will connect you with the related energy of the problem and out pours your energy. Remember you only have so much! Not only does it cause leaks, radiating worry vibrations can attract and create the very thing you are worrying about. When your mind accesses the concept of what you don’t want to happen, it sees the picture, takes orders and creates it. My friend called me late one night to tell me her mother had just caused an accident. I asked her where her mother had been driving. She indicated that she wasn’t driving at all, but was obsessing that her son, who hadn’t arrived home when he should have, must be in an accident. She continued to worry, explaining where it probably happened, and literally creating it over and over again. My friend told me that just before he arrived home, much later, the son was involved in an auto accident. Thanks, mom!
Resentment, power struggles, and envy all cause leaks. Judging a person causes leaks, lying causes leaks, criticism causes leaks, being fearful of something causes leaks, burdensome thoughts cause leaks. You’ve got the idea! Be careful! Don’t give your energy away!
Every day and every minute, you need one hundred percent of your energy. You need to be one hundred percent present every single moment of the day in every situation. Have you ever met people who act like they are not all there? They are stressed about things in their past or future and they can’t get their thoughts or acts together in the present. They seem scattered. They are! Their energy is literally scattered and they don’t have enough left to be present in their current daily lives. They have energy being poured into a resentful situation that happened to them as a child. They have energy draining into a power struggle at work. They have energy draining into sibling rivalry. They have energy draining into a non-harmonious romantic relationship. They are prime candidates to become energetically bankrupt—resulting in nervous breakdowns, depression, and degeneration.
This can occur to any person whose energy is not sufficient to maintain his or her health because of the choice to hold on to negative past or future situations or perhaps a resentful childhood situation. This person could have, at anytime since childhood, disconnected and stopped the energy flow, but chose to hang onto it and become depleted energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, because of it. This results in low vibrations, poor health, and their past becomes their future.
When you wake up in the morning, you need a full body vibrating with light and energy, but because of the things you have energetically invested in you can end up with only sixty or thirty percent of what you should have to function. Your cells pay the price! Your health pays the price! Your relationships pay the price! Your energy level pays the price! Your prosperity pays the price! Your present moment pays the price! Your future pays the price!
What are you investing in with your energy by means of your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions? Picture your body with energy flowing in through your head and millions of circuits emanating from your body. Picture these energy circuits as cords going to and from your body connecting other people and things. That circuitry has been created by you and can be changed by you at any time you choose.
From this moment on, think of yourself as energy being! Automatically think about everything energetically! Make it a habit. Ask yourself if what you are thinking about and the way you feel about it, mentally and emotionally, make you stronger energetically or deplete you and cause you to radiate and attract low vibrations? You live life better when you are conscious of your energy body. Your entire life will work better when you come from this new point of view. Where you send your mind and emotions is where you send a piece of yourself and determines what you receive in return.
Evaluate your energy self and what you are currently connecting with. If something disempowers you, unplug! Get out or it will cost you! Literally visualize yourself unplugging and change your thoughts and feelings to positive. At any minute you can unplug your circuits and take your energy back. You now understand that life doesn’t deal you a hand. You are creating you, yourself, moment by moment, by that which you choose to think about, speak about, and how you feel and vibrate about these things.
There are actually people who are energy-suckers. They literally drain your energy when you spend time with them. How do you know who they are? You just know. After you speak with or spend time with them for any length of time, you literally feel drained. Stay away from these people. They get their energy by taking it away from other people. They don’t have enough because they are victims or have spent their energy unwisely.
Some groups of people actually lift you up and increase your energy. In other groups, the interaction of the members is draining. Eighty-six women with advanced breast cancer were divided into two groups. One group received standard medical care; the other received medical care and weekly group therapy sessions. The women who received group therapy lived nearly twice as long as those who received only medical care. To these women, the group supplied energy. Evaluate how you feel after a group interaction and you will know whether association with these specific people is exhilarating or affecting you negatively.
What about Music?
What about it? Music is one of the most influential ways to create feelings. You can listen to music that creates positive high vibrational feelings or listen to music which blasts the energy out of your body and leaves you drained and leaking. Music itself has a vibration that can be measured. The words of music also play a major role in creating the feelings associated with the music. If you listen to music with words that scream of hatred, abuse, and bad things, then you can only expect those things to come to you. If you listen to music which speaks of love and happiness, you’ll receive the same. Even if you are not consciously listening to the words, your creative mind is.
There is something that no one else is sharing with you and it’s about time it came out! The vibrational you is represented in all three of your critical energy fields and if you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three areas, you are giving the universe mixed messages and are probably stuck on your road to success. I call it the WOW factor.
Within you: Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words, affirmations, and visualizations.
On you: Dressing to match your personal energy with the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear.
What’s around you: The flow of energy that surrounds you, your environment, influences you greatly.
You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate consistent energy from all three areas of your energy field - and the good news is that it is fun.
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Awesome post! It's amazing on how advanced creatures we are with the ability to control our lives based on the energy of our thoughts and feelings! You do have to be very aware of whos around you. They can affect your energy! I want to share this link because connection with like energies is important! It has helped me, and I would like to share it with others!!!
Thanks so much for sharing! I agree with you; we are here to help others.
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