Think and Grow Rich or Use Your Noodle and Get the Kaboodle

Do you know the funny little story about Napoleon Hill and his famous book? When he had completed his book, he had it titled: The thirteen Steps to riches. The publisher did not like that name and wanted one which would be a bit classier. The publisher called Hill every day insisting on a new title, and he went through over 600 different names, none of which was satisfactory to the publisher.
Finally, one day the publisher called and said the deadline for the title was the very next day and if Napoleon Hill didn’t have one, he did. He said, “It’s a humdinger—Use You Noodle and Get the Boodle.” Hill thought that title did not do justice to his book and in fact, made a mockery of it. That night Napoleon Hill had a serious talk with his subconscious mind and asked for a million dollar title. He pondered for a long time then went to bed. About 2 AM, he was awakened with a start. And as he came to his senses, a phrase was burning in his mind. He ran to his typewriter, typed it out, then grabbed the phone and called his publisher. “I’ve got it—it’s a million dollar title.” He was right! Think and Grow Rich has sold millions of copies and is one of the best known books in the world.
How appropriate that he would call on his subconscious mind to help him name the book because throughout that book and his Law of Success he talks about the law of auto-suggestion or self suggestion.
A powerful way to accomplish anything is to feed your mind the suggestion, or even a question, at night before you go to sleep. Psychologists believe that your last waking thoughts are the ones that your subconscious mind feeds and acts on while you sleep.
If you are worried about something that will occur tomorrow, see it the way you want it to happen and let your mind work on bringing it to you in the manner you desire. If you want to improve yourself image, fill your mind with thoughts how you would act if you had confidence and a high-self worth. Take advantage of the incredible power you have of directing your thoughts according to the success, prosperity, and relationships you desire. Your mind is fertile soil right before you go to sleep so remember to plant the seeds that will reap what you want to sow—and make sure it is not the nightly news relating a bad economy or some unhealthy images you would not want to experience in your life.
Take advantage of your subconscious mind which never sleeps, and is continually providing you a life according to the orders you send it by means of your thoughts, feelings and words. There is another way you can create specifically what you want in your life: programming with affirmations. Within twenty minutes before you go to sleep at night, hand write (not print) your affirmations. Write no more than three separate affirmations, however you can write each of those three as many times as you wish. When you hand write, Dr. John Kappas tells us it is an ideomotor response and what you write bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly into the subconscious mind.

Take your Mind out of Prison!!!

You are AlWAYS using one of these two laws?

We are all seeking increase in our lives, our homes, our clothes, our knowledge, our leisure, our food, our beauty, our work, and just about everything—and rightly so. It is normal to want increase and that is what the universe wants for us.
You can use the law of Increase in many ways. Speak increase about yourself. Speak increase about others by speaking prosperity about them; by praising or complementing them; by seeing them as prosperous, successful people; by encouraging them and being positive regarding them and their situations. When you do this you are not only contributing to their increase, you are adding to your own. Your every thought, word, action, and feeling towards others or yourself creates increase or decrease in yourself and others.
Unfortunately, many people use the law of decrease without realizing the damage it has on them and their lives. People are using the law of decrease when they complain about, condemn, or criticize others. When people talk about others’ hard times, they are using the law of decrease. What they do not realize is that through the law of attraction, what they are saying and thinking about others is what they are asking for themselves. What you radiate out is what you get back. When you use the law of decrease you limit the good that comes to you and delay your future prosperity.
Be mindful of how many times a day you use the Law of Increase and Decrease. Become a person who continually thinks, speaks, feels and acts increase, and the results will show in your life.
Which shadow falls behind you each day? Have you lived more of the law of increase or more of the law of decrease? Look at your life, your relationships, your success, and adjust all of your habits toward the law of Increase.
Give yourself the law of increase by associating with others who practice it. Think about you business associates, your friends, and your family members only in a positive, successful manner. When you are on the telephone, visiting or meeting with them or just socializing, practice the law of increase with them and you will be amazed how they will respond and return the favor, even if they do not consciously know what you are doing. Actively feel how you would feel if you were as successful as you desire to be. This is a rich universe and there is plenty for you and me. By practicing this fun law you will bring an increase in all things to you while you are attracting it to others.