If Dreams were for sale - What would you buy?

Drs. Tei Fu and Oi Lin Chen are great examples of why you must have a dream. They came here years ago with a child and a suitcase. They got their first couch out of a dumpster. Today, their company, Sunrider International, has a history of 28 years of rock-solid stability and they are doing business in 43 countries. Dr. Chen said, "What is wrong with people? They just don't dream big enough!"
King Solomon, the richest man who ever lived, even by todays standards had a mantra, "Without a vision, the people perish". What is YOUR vision? What is YOUR dream? Is it big enough? Are you taking steps daily to make it a reality. Have you gotten rid of the distractions? If you don't destry them, they will destroy you! Dream big and big things will happen.

Wherever You are Be There!

Because life is so fast pace, it is difficult to constantly live in the present. What did or didn't happen in the past few moments or past few years or what might or might not happen in the next moment or in the next few years is usually what occupies a person's mind. It must be trained to live in the present. You must be present in the 'joy' of the moment and are not waiting until a future time or event to occur to enjoy your life. Are you really there to see what is happening each moment? Are you hearing the birds singing? Are you really smelling the quintessential roses? Are you hearing what your spouse or child is saying to you at this very moment? This is the place to constantly spend your time for maximum creativity. You are inspired as to which actions to take, rather than working off a mundane prepared list. Here are some exercises to help you live in the present: Stop thinking-stop the brain chatter, be aware of your breathing and heighten your awareness-all of your senses: sight, touch, sound, smell and taste, be totally accepting and non-judgmental about what is happening, and lastly, nourish your spirit by feeling gratitude and acknowledging that divine intervention is present in your life. Feel joy by living in the moment and set yourself up to experience spiritual heights.

Is the Feeling Really Necessary?

Your emotions are like the yeast that makes a loaf a bread rise. Emotions make your visualizations a reality. Your goal machine doesn't know the difference between a real experience and one that's imagined with feeling. Without the feelings, the visualizations don't create the intense emotions needed to impress the creative mind. These feelings are emotions. Feelings create vibrations in your body that magnetically attract what you desire. As you habitually visualize with feeling, it will become easier and easier and you'll find it's as easy to control the emotions behind your thoughts as it is to control your thoughts. It's not always easy to feel the emotion you'd feel if your goal were already accomplished. You have to create that emotion from deep within you, because you haven't been there yet. Yes, it's necessary. Yes, you can do it. It's a skill, and the more you do it, the better you become.

Are You Letting Something Ruin Your Life?

What Filters Do you have On?

"STRESSED” is DESSERTS Spelled Backwards

Do you think eating sugar, candies and pastries can make you stressed? I'm sure you've noticed the connection, but if you haven't, please be informed that the 'pickup' you think you'll feel from a candy bar really gives you a big-time low. If you feel a pick up, feel it quickly because soon you will be thinking, “Wow, what happened to me? I feel sooo tired?”
Eating the right kind of carbohydrates not only gives you real energy-it supplies the kind that doesn't create depression or stress. It actually supplies nutrients that result in a mental and emotional pickup as well as a physical one. The right kind of carbohydrates is grown by nature. Have you ever picked, in any garden, a piece of cake or a candy bar? Of course not! You can, however pick fruits, vegetables, and whole grains which are filled with nature’s energizing complex carbohydrates
Nature made your body so let’s take a trip to the garden to see what nature grows as food for your body. There are fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds. On the whole, they are high complex carbohydrate, low fat and low protein. Nature must know something. That something is that complex carbohydrates are the fuel for your muscles and your brain. Carbohydrates provide glycogen, fuel for the brain and the muscles, for about three hours. When you feel tired, you've probably hit the wall physically and mentally because you’ve used what you've eaten and it's time to replenish yourself.
When you eat nature’s food the way nature grew it, you become energized instead of stressed. Look at what you are eating. Does it remotely resemble the way it was picked? Is it a potato that looks like a potato-or is it in the form of a French fry? Does it look like a whole grain-or is it in the shape of a wet noodle? Have you ever picked a piece of pasta? No, because nature doesn’t grow pasta any more than it grows a French fry. I call it paste-a since that is what pasta really is – white flour and water. If you attended preschool a few years ago, you would know it makes excellent paste. When you eat pasta, it’s like paste in the bowels which can clog up your system. When you eat whole grains which are prepared properly, they provide complex carbohydrates and are a excellent nutritional support to the body.
You can actually control your stress and your moods by making wise choices about the foods you give your physical body. One way is to eat breakfast! You wouldn't ask your car to take you very far if it didn't have any fuel. The least you can do is to treat your body as good as your car. Eat several small meals throughout the day to supply your body with steady nutrients. This will maintain a healthy metabolism.
Another thing to remember in eating to keep the stress away is to put a rainbow on your plate by serving different colored foods. Research shows that the very pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors are disease fighters. Scientists now say that the actual color compounds themselves, not only the foods that contain them, are among the best things you can put in your body. Several years ago, scientists didn’t know most of these phyto (plant) chemicals existed. Now we know that certain colored foods benefit specific organs and system.
Nature made your body. Eat the foods grown by nature to nourish your body!