Anger Happens!

Think and Grow Rich or Use Your Noodle and Get the Kaboodle

Do you know the funny little story about Napoleon Hill and his famous book? When he had completed his book, he had it titled: The thirteen Steps to riches. The publisher did not like that name and wanted one which would be a bit classier. The publisher called Hill every day insisting on a new title, and he went through over 600 different names, none of which was satisfactory to the publisher.
Finally, one day the publisher called and said the deadline for the title was the very next day and if Napoleon Hill didn’t have one, he did. He said, “It’s a humdinger—Use You Noodle and Get the Boodle.” Hill thought that title did not do justice to his book and in fact, made a mockery of it. That night Napoleon Hill had a serious talk with his subconscious mind and asked for a million dollar title. He pondered for a long time then went to bed. About 2 AM, he was awakened with a start. And as he came to his senses, a phrase was burning in his mind. He ran to his typewriter, typed it out, then grabbed the phone and called his publisher. “I’ve got it—it’s a million dollar title.” He was right! Think and Grow Rich has sold millions of copies and is one of the best known books in the world.
How appropriate that he would call on his subconscious mind to help him name the book because throughout that book and his Law of Success he talks about the law of auto-suggestion or self suggestion.
A powerful way to accomplish anything is to feed your mind the suggestion, or even a question, at night before you go to sleep. Psychologists believe that your last waking thoughts are the ones that your subconscious mind feeds and acts on while you sleep.
If you are worried about something that will occur tomorrow, see it the way you want it to happen and let your mind work on bringing it to you in the manner you desire. If you want to improve yourself image, fill your mind with thoughts how you would act if you had confidence and a high-self worth. Take advantage of the incredible power you have of directing your thoughts according to the success, prosperity, and relationships you desire. Your mind is fertile soil right before you go to sleep so remember to plant the seeds that will reap what you want to sow—and make sure it is not the nightly news relating a bad economy or some unhealthy images you would not want to experience in your life.
Take advantage of your subconscious mind which never sleeps, and is continually providing you a life according to the orders you send it by means of your thoughts, feelings and words. There is another way you can create specifically what you want in your life: programming with affirmations. Within twenty minutes before you go to sleep at night, hand write (not print) your affirmations. Write no more than three separate affirmations, however you can write each of those three as many times as you wish. When you hand write, Dr. John Kappas tells us it is an ideomotor response and what you write bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly into the subconscious mind.

Take your Mind out of Prison!!!

You are AlWAYS using one of these two laws?

We are all seeking increase in our lives, our homes, our clothes, our knowledge, our leisure, our food, our beauty, our work, and just about everything—and rightly so. It is normal to want increase and that is what the universe wants for us.
You can use the law of Increase in many ways. Speak increase about yourself. Speak increase about others by speaking prosperity about them; by praising or complementing them; by seeing them as prosperous, successful people; by encouraging them and being positive regarding them and their situations. When you do this you are not only contributing to their increase, you are adding to your own. Your every thought, word, action, and feeling towards others or yourself creates increase or decrease in yourself and others.
Unfortunately, many people use the law of decrease without realizing the damage it has on them and their lives. People are using the law of decrease when they complain about, condemn, or criticize others. When people talk about others’ hard times, they are using the law of decrease. What they do not realize is that through the law of attraction, what they are saying and thinking about others is what they are asking for themselves. What you radiate out is what you get back. When you use the law of decrease you limit the good that comes to you and delay your future prosperity.
Be mindful of how many times a day you use the Law of Increase and Decrease. Become a person who continually thinks, speaks, feels and acts increase, and the results will show in your life.
Which shadow falls behind you each day? Have you lived more of the law of increase or more of the law of decrease? Look at your life, your relationships, your success, and adjust all of your habits toward the law of Increase.
Give yourself the law of increase by associating with others who practice it. Think about you business associates, your friends, and your family members only in a positive, successful manner. When you are on the telephone, visiting or meeting with them or just socializing, practice the law of increase with them and you will be amazed how they will respond and return the favor, even if they do not consciously know what you are doing. Actively feel how you would feel if you were as successful as you desire to be. This is a rich universe and there is plenty for you and me. By practicing this fun law you will bring an increase in all things to you while you are attracting it to others.

Why Doesn’t God Give you What you Want?

Why doesn’t God give you what you want? God did better than that! He gave you a way to create what you want on a continuing basis. He gave you a way to manipulate life according to whatever you desire. There are infinite resources at man’s disposal and you only need to learn about them and take advantage of them.
One resource is our incredible mind—both of them! The conscious mind can create conscious thoughts which can reprogram your subconscious (or creative) mind. John Maxwell said, “Man is the only known creature who can shape and remold himself by altering his thoughts.” You are right now where your thoughts have brought you and you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. Your thoughts create your actions, your actions create your habits and your habits create your life.
God gave us universal laws by which to live. These universal laws are orderly—just look at our universe. There is order in the planets, the stars, the plants, animals, etc. The universe plans on abundance and success for all—there are no limits to the possibilities that man can accomplish by obeying universal laws. Spiritual supply from the universe is never depleted. To get more, you have to have to create thoughts of ‘more’ for yourself. If you want better health, turn your thought to better health. If you want love, turn your thoughts to love; if you want happiness and joy, think happy and joyful thoughts. If you want abundance, think only abundant thoughts. If you want hard times, think about hard times and what the recession will bring to you.
You must focus your energy on what you want and appreciate what you have now! (Many people miss the following step in getting what they want.) If you want a new house, then make the one you have a beautiful and cared for as you can. If you want a new car, do not complain and degrade the one you have. If you want a new job, do the best you can in the one you have. If you cannot show the universe that you are grateful for what you have, how can it give you more? You must create the energy for more by giving more where you are. When the change the energy where you are, you change the energy for you to create more than you have. If you don’t take care of what you have, why would the universe give you more?
Your present self-image was built on your own imaginative pictures of yourself in the past which you determined out of your interpretations of past experience. Use the same method to build a better self-image than you previously used to build an inadequate one. See yourself as successful as you want to be and pay attention to the small details of the pictures. Imagine how you would feel if you were already the sort of personality you want to be. This exercise builds new memories and creates a new self image. You have the success mechanism within you. Turn the key to a better life by utilizing the powers within you.

Give Yourself the Gift of RELEASE

When you move something out of your life that you don’t want, you are automatically making room for the ‘new’ you. When something you want has not appeared, that is a good sign that you probably need to release and let go of something to make room for it.
Through release, your power for success, prosperity, better health and relationships is increased. There are many types of release and every one of them creates an energy vacuum. Wherever you dare to form a vacuum, the substance of the universe will rush in to fill that empty space. This applies to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.
Sometimes a simple physical release is just what you need to trigger a deeper one. Something like cleaning out your closets, your drawers, your car, or your office. Invariably, when you do this, you will be on the receiving end because when something goes, something has to come in. Be cautioned that when you do get rid of something, you truly release it and do not wish you hadn’t given or thrown it away because that is not a true release. You do yourself more harm than good because now you have something new to release. You do not get the benefit if you don’t truly release and let it go.
Do not waste your life holding grudges. Forgiveness is an emotional and spiritual release. It is a very effective release and is one that is holding many people back in their physical lives. They are not attracting the high vibrational income and relationships that they want because they are holding on to low vibrational judgments and resentments in their minds and hearts.
Many people are afraid of the word ‘forgiveness’ because they think they have to do something unpleasant or uncomfortable. Consider sitting everyday for at least 20 to 30 minutes and mentally forgive everyone that you feel has treated you badly or that you might have unkind or negative feelings toward. Perhaps you blamed someone for something, or someone has gossiped about you or criticized you. Maybe you feel someone has cheated you, been dishonest with you, or has slighted you in some way.
Say “their name, God’s Divine Love is setting us free. I see you with eyes of love, prosperity and success. I let God freely love through me now and always.” OR
Say “their name, God’s Divine Love is setting us free. I fully and freely forgive you. I release you and bless you to your highest good and you bless me and release me to my highest Good.””
As you say one of these releasing statements, once or repeatedly, honestly feel love for that person.
Perhaps you have gossiped or criticized someone or even been dishonest. Remember to forgive yourself! If you hold in your mind the concept that someone has wronged you or has treated you unjustly, you cannot be free from your wrongdoings or injustice so long as you hold that thought in your own consciousness. If you hold onto the thought that you have done someone unjustly, you must release yourself.
“As we forgive, we are forgiven.” Create a vacuum and let love and success flow in.
Whatever you want to call it (release, forgiveness, or just plain getting over it), it is a present you give yourself—which will bring greater good into your present. Here’s another little forgiveness technique that you can use to release. Blow up a big balloon and imagine all your resentments flowing into it. Blow harder and harder until all your energy is gone. Then let the balloon go and watch your anger and resentments fizzle into thin air.

Wish Books for Children

What a great gift to give a child-a wish book. Children have great imaginations and no limitations. While they are young, let them collect pictures of everything they want to do, have and become. Then watch their faces as they explain their pictures to you. You will realize that they believe they can have and acheive what is on their pictures...and if you don't tell them otherwise...they will! Let's teach our children how to set goals!

Give Yourself the Gift of Release!

When you move something out of your life that you don't want, you are automatically making room for the 'new'! When something you want has not appeared, that is a good sign that you probably need to release and let go of something to make room for it.

Sometimes a simple physical release is just what you need to trigger a deeper one. Something like cleaning our closets, your drawers, your car, or your office. Invariably, when you do this, you will be on the recieving end-because when something goes-something has to come in.

Don't waste your time holding grudges. Forgiveness is an emotional and spirtual release. It is very effective and is one that is holding many people back in their spiritual, emotional and physical lives. Many people are afraid of the word 'forgiveness' because they think they have to do something unpleasant or uncomfortable. Imagine telling that person that you have forgiven them and literally watch the resentment disapear. You may have to do this more than once.

Hi from Hercules (Glenda's little doggie)

The reason my poor mommy is so behind on this blog is because I have been sick with my left leg for sometime. I'm not allowed to use (and I want to run so badly), so she has to carry and watch me like a Hawk all day. She has been doing her meditation and positive thinking to help me get better. Dog's are very connected to us, and the left leg represents moving forward, so it has been nice giving my mommy a nudge in the right direction. Look forward to good things from her, and on occasion from me :).

A Secret to getting Ahead!

Whatever you are doing-give it your ALL, give it your BEST; because, it will lead to a better, more productive place. If you don't, you are just being mediocre and you'll never get ahead. You'll just stay where you are in mediocrity.

Do you Say I Love You?!

If Dreams were for sale - What would you buy?

Drs. Tei Fu and Oi Lin Chen are great examples of why you must have a dream. They came here years ago with a child and a suitcase. They got their first couch out of a dumpster. Today, their company, Sunrider International, has a history of 28 years of rock-solid stability and they are doing business in 43 countries. Dr. Chen said, "What is wrong with people? They just don't dream big enough!"
King Solomon, the richest man who ever lived, even by todays standards had a mantra, "Without a vision, the people perish". What is YOUR vision? What is YOUR dream? Is it big enough? Are you taking steps daily to make it a reality. Have you gotten rid of the distractions? If you don't destry them, they will destroy you! Dream big and big things will happen.

Wherever You are Be There!

Because life is so fast pace, it is difficult to constantly live in the present. What did or didn't happen in the past few moments or past few years or what might or might not happen in the next moment or in the next few years is usually what occupies a person's mind. It must be trained to live in the present. You must be present in the 'joy' of the moment and are not waiting until a future time or event to occur to enjoy your life. Are you really there to see what is happening each moment? Are you hearing the birds singing? Are you really smelling the quintessential roses? Are you hearing what your spouse or child is saying to you at this very moment? This is the place to constantly spend your time for maximum creativity. You are inspired as to which actions to take, rather than working off a mundane prepared list. Here are some exercises to help you live in the present: Stop thinking-stop the brain chatter, be aware of your breathing and heighten your awareness-all of your senses: sight, touch, sound, smell and taste, be totally accepting and non-judgmental about what is happening, and lastly, nourish your spirit by feeling gratitude and acknowledging that divine intervention is present in your life. Feel joy by living in the moment and set yourself up to experience spiritual heights.

Is the Feeling Really Necessary?

Your emotions are like the yeast that makes a loaf a bread rise. Emotions make your visualizations a reality. Your goal machine doesn't know the difference between a real experience and one that's imagined with feeling. Without the feelings, the visualizations don't create the intense emotions needed to impress the creative mind. These feelings are emotions. Feelings create vibrations in your body that magnetically attract what you desire. As you habitually visualize with feeling, it will become easier and easier and you'll find it's as easy to control the emotions behind your thoughts as it is to control your thoughts. It's not always easy to feel the emotion you'd feel if your goal were already accomplished. You have to create that emotion from deep within you, because you haven't been there yet. Yes, it's necessary. Yes, you can do it. It's a skill, and the more you do it, the better you become.

Are You Letting Something Ruin Your Life?

What Filters Do you have On?

"STRESSED” is DESSERTS Spelled Backwards

Do you think eating sugar, candies and pastries can make you stressed? I'm sure you've noticed the connection, but if you haven't, please be informed that the 'pickup' you think you'll feel from a candy bar really gives you a big-time low. If you feel a pick up, feel it quickly because soon you will be thinking, “Wow, what happened to me? I feel sooo tired?”
Eating the right kind of carbohydrates not only gives you real energy-it supplies the kind that doesn't create depression or stress. It actually supplies nutrients that result in a mental and emotional pickup as well as a physical one. The right kind of carbohydrates is grown by nature. Have you ever picked, in any garden, a piece of cake or a candy bar? Of course not! You can, however pick fruits, vegetables, and whole grains which are filled with nature’s energizing complex carbohydrates
Nature made your body so let’s take a trip to the garden to see what nature grows as food for your body. There are fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds. On the whole, they are high complex carbohydrate, low fat and low protein. Nature must know something. That something is that complex carbohydrates are the fuel for your muscles and your brain. Carbohydrates provide glycogen, fuel for the brain and the muscles, for about three hours. When you feel tired, you've probably hit the wall physically and mentally because you’ve used what you've eaten and it's time to replenish yourself.
When you eat nature’s food the way nature grew it, you become energized instead of stressed. Look at what you are eating. Does it remotely resemble the way it was picked? Is it a potato that looks like a potato-or is it in the form of a French fry? Does it look like a whole grain-or is it in the shape of a wet noodle? Have you ever picked a piece of pasta? No, because nature doesn’t grow pasta any more than it grows a French fry. I call it paste-a since that is what pasta really is – white flour and water. If you attended preschool a few years ago, you would know it makes excellent paste. When you eat pasta, it’s like paste in the bowels which can clog up your system. When you eat whole grains which are prepared properly, they provide complex carbohydrates and are a excellent nutritional support to the body.
You can actually control your stress and your moods by making wise choices about the foods you give your physical body. One way is to eat breakfast! You wouldn't ask your car to take you very far if it didn't have any fuel. The least you can do is to treat your body as good as your car. Eat several small meals throughout the day to supply your body with steady nutrients. This will maintain a healthy metabolism.
Another thing to remember in eating to keep the stress away is to put a rainbow on your plate by serving different colored foods. Research shows that the very pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors are disease fighters. Scientists now say that the actual color compounds themselves, not only the foods that contain them, are among the best things you can put in your body. Several years ago, scientists didn’t know most of these phyto (plant) chemicals existed. Now we know that certain colored foods benefit specific organs and system.
Nature made your body. Eat the foods grown by nature to nourish your body!

Are Making Choices Hard for You!

Making hard choices can be easy!


You know what it takes to be happy and constantly filled with joy, so why not choose that as the way you want to live? You know what it takes to be balanced and feel like a superstar in every aspect of your life, constantly "growing and glowing". Perhaps you're wondering how you can pull this off when you're already overwhelmed by the stress of a million things to do everyday. It's simple: PLAN IT! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Planning is a must if you want to live a balanced life. Successful people choose: they make the decision and then DO exactly what they've decided.

Be Where You are Tomorrow-Today!

Where you are today in your business and your life is a result of only one person—YOU. If you are going to change your life, you must first take responsibility for the state of your life, which includes the state of your business, your relationships, your health, and your personal growth. You must accept that everything, the good, the bad - everything you’re happy about and everything that makes you sad or even mad is all a result of your past thinking, behaviors, and choices. You have control over only one person—YOU. Change your thinking and you will change your behaviors, choices, and life.
The state of your life today didn’t occur because of your family or friends, your boss, the economy, the competition, or any person or influence outside of you. If that is what you are thinking, there’s a name for you—it’s called ‘victim’. For victims it’s easier to play the ‘blame game’ than take responsibility for their lives and current life situation. You are the only one that has the power in this very moment to choose your thoughts, take responsibility for them, and change your life. No one else can choose your life but you!
Today is the day to get your dreams in check, stop and think whether what you are thinking and doing is going to take you where you want to go or give you more of the same.
It's not what you are that is holding you back. It’s what you think you are not. When discouragement, fear or anger take control of you, you are not thinking about a positive future. Only thoughts about a positive future can take you in that direction and create a different life. If you don’t change anything today, tomorrow will be exactly the same; next week will be exactly the same, next year will be exactly the same, and so goes your life.

Here are some questions to ask yourself which will reveal whether you are on the right track:
· Have you lost focus? If so, STOP and get it back!
· Are you 100% committed? If you have the attitude, “I don’t think this will work but I’ll give it a try,” you’re kidding yourself about being committed.
· Have you gotten rid of distraction or are you ignoring them?
· What action are you taking daily? It’s not just about Attitude—Action plays an equally important role.

Shocking fact: 90% of people will earn 10% upward or downward of what they are making right now for the rest of their lives. Take yourself out of that 90%! If you have created what you have right now, you can create something different if you choose to.
Listen to the voice that says, “I know I can do it.” Have a mindset that is unstoppable. The good news is you don’t have to be super-human. Make a decision to be great, see yourself mentally and emotionally already where you want to be in the future, set your environment up so it supports you, and get going!
Look at your life through eyes that see you already where you want to be. Keep seeing yourself there and the universe will accommodate you. When you do it once, you ‘conceive it’, when you do it often, you come to ‘believe it’, and you know what Napoleon Hill says comes next: You ‘achieve it!’

Appreciating Money Can Prosper You

Do you wonder why it is important to cultivate a good attitude about money? Money is filled with the intelligence of the universe from which it is created. Money reacts to your attitude about it. You attract what you appreciate and money responds accordingly. If you think favorably about money, you multiply and increase it, however if you criticize and condemn it in any way, either your own money or another’s, you dissipate it and repel it from you. If you were to study the lives and experiences of prosperous-minded people, you would find that they have a friendly attitude toward money.

Remember that your thoughts make your world. Your thoughts about money have to be appreciative in order for money to appreciate you and be attracted to you. You should never declare, “I can’t afford this”. You don’t want to talk about being ‘down an out’, or even speak unkindly about those who have money. It is not wise to magnify financial difficulties. If you brag or discuss your financial troubles (and some people actually do so to gain attention or sympathy), then you will always have financial troubles to brag about.

Do not discuss the financial difficulties of others. If you think of yourself as prosperous but of others as living in lack, through the law of attraction you are inviting the same thing to happen to you. The golden rule of prosperous thinking is that you should not think or say anything concerning another’s financial affairs that you would not want to experience in your own.

When you hear of another’s good fortune, wealthy possessions or inheritance, you should feel great joy and appreciation. Don’t think, talk, or act any way but prosperously. Don’t allow others to talk to you in any way but prosperously. Don’t read anything or take seriously anything that is printed or on TV that is contrary to prosperous thinking.

Think of it as money being charged with divine intelligence that tunes in on what you say or think about it, and responds accordingly. Have a prosperous attitude towards money. Use this affirmation daily: “All financial doors are open and free and endless money now comes to me.”

Let the journey begin as you feel gratitude for all that is coming to you, all that comes to others, and all the abundance in the universe. Mentally and emotionally bask in abundance and appreciate it! Welcome money from all directions.

It's POISON! It will only hurt you!

Do you know you have a vibrational self? Only a few people know that they have a part that runs on energy. It is one of the most important parts of you in creating the world you want. After reading this article, you will have a mental picture of your energy body. It should be foremost in your mind as you think, speak, and determine your momentary feelings.

The condition of your energy self, that is the vibrations it is radiating, shapes your present moment as well as your future. The fact is that you are a living, breathing magnet attracting exactly what your energy self is radiating. Whatever you are feeling, you are vibrating, and therefore attracting. Think of everything in this universe as energy, because it is. The universe is composed of pure energy. Energy vibrates at different rates of speed and because of this it takes on different consistencies. Physicists have proven that everything in your world that appears solid is actually made up of swirling molecules, which are vibrating at different frequencies and molds them into their current forms. It can be solid like a chair and vibrate very slowly. It can be a finer form of energy like water which vibrates faster. It can be a much finer form of energy such as light, which vibrates faster than you can even imagine. Your own body therefore is energy. The electrons and atoms in your body make waves of living energy which ripple and spread themselves into patterns.

Scientists have measured the body’s vibrational frequency when people were at various physical and emotional states. They found that the human body becomes stronger or weaker depending on a person’s mental state. The lowest vibration was shame, therefore when you have a shameful thought you weaken yourself. The next is guilt, and then apathy, grief, fear, anxiety, craving, anger, and hate. Going up the scale to positive emotions, you have willingness, optimism, acceptance, forgiveness, reason and understanding, love and reverence, joy and serenity, peace and bliss, and enlightenment.

Physicists have also found that people actually have the ability to control the frequency at which their bodies vibrate. Of course they can! If people can control their thoughts, why couldn’t they control the feelings behind those thoughts! You have the ability and power within you to increase your vibrational rate at any moment you choose.

You’re vibrational or energy self is housed within your physical body and is closely related to it. Before an illness manifests physically, those who can monitor the energy body find changes and imbalances there first. You have major energy centers which are located at specific points in your energy body. Because it is the universal Law of Attraction that you magnetically attract what you vibrate, you must first make sure that your energy centers and cells are filled with light so that you are vibrating at a rate of speed that will attract the things and people you desire in your life. You can accomplish this by breathing in white light. See white light coming into the top of your head. Breathe in and feel the energy as you mentally visit and infuse each energy center. As you fill your body with this light, drop down to the next energy center and continue, stopping at each one as you bathe it in the white energizing light.

You imagine all the time. Your imagination rules your world. What you imagine is already real at the moment it is conceived, so just go for it. Ok, begin. Breathe in white light. Feel it as it infuses:
The top of the head
The throat
The heart
The abdominal/stomach area (behind the navel)
The reproductive/genital area
The base of the spine
The last step is to mentally send the white light up and down the spine and see it emanate outward from the spine to all parts of your body.
This can take from a few seconds to several minutes.

Many things during the day deplete your energy; therefore it is important to nourish your energy body at least every morning, and often throughout the day if you are feeling down emotionally or energetically depleted. After you’ve supplied your body with this light energy on a regular basis for a short while, you will be able to feel a difference in your energy level as surely as you can feel a difference after you’ve had a nourishing physical meal. When you infuse your energy centers with white light, you will begin to feel younger and even look younger. You don’t age as fast because cell tissues don’t break down as quickly. You are more creative and spontaneous. You are healthier because you are raising the vibration of every one of your other selves: the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual.

What Depletes Your Energy Body?

Everything in the universe is energy. You are an energy being. Because of this, it is important for you to realize 1) where your energy is being depleted 2) what you are personally plugging your energy into 3) how it is currently affecting you and 4) how to keep your energy. If you send your energy away from you in a way that depletes it, you can actually end up with an energy deficit, which can be deadly, literally! When this occurs, degenerative diseases, depression, suicide, and such deathly situations can occur.

It is important to realize that your energy body is closely connected to your physical body and has a great influence on it. The speed at which you vibrate is determined by your feelings, is also determined by the speed of those things into which you plug your energy circuits, as well as the amount of energy you simply give away or squander on unimportant things. The amount of energy and the speed at which your energy is vibrating determines the rate at which your physical cells can heal or the rate at which they degenerate.

Your thoughts are accelerated forms of energy which directly influence not only your energy body, but others’ energy bodies. Negative thoughts vibrate at a slower rate of speed than positive thoughts. Negative thoughts are heavier than positive thoughts. People often say, “Lighten up,” when they see you are depressed or feeling badly. When you have resolved a major negative situation you feel like you’ve had a heavy load lifted off you. On the other hand, positive thoughts are lighter and vibrate at a much faster speed than negative ones. You feel differently when you think of negative situations than when you think of happy ones.

When you think about another person, your circuits are literally touching circuits that connect with them. They do not have to be thinking about you in return. You create the energy flow with your thoughts. Picture in your mind how this works. When you think of someone, you literally connect with them, and if you could see your energy-filled self and theirs, you would see a place where you were both connected. You send and transmit your energy to that person and part of your energy self is becoming part of theirs.

Words are powerful accelerated forms of energy and create vibrations equivalent to what you are speaking. Depending upon your thoughts and your words, you either give or receive positive energy creating a healing, energizing effect with circuitry benefiting both participants, or you connect your circuits to places that drain you and them of energy and become damaging leaks.

What causes leaks? Worry causes leaks. Your worrisome thinking physically drains you. It will connect you with the related energy of the problem and out pours your energy. Remember you only have so much! Not only does it cause leaks, radiating worry vibrations can attract and create the very thing you are worrying about. When your mind accesses the concept of what you don’t want to happen, it sees the picture, takes orders and creates it. My friend called me late one night to tell me her mother had just caused an accident. I asked her where her mother had been driving. She indicated that she wasn’t driving at all, but was obsessing that her son, who hadn’t arrived home when he should have, must be in an accident. She continued to worry, explaining where it probably happened, and literally creating it over and over again. My friend told me that just before he arrived home, much later, the son was involved in an auto accident. Thanks, mom!

Resentment, power struggles, and envy all cause leaks. Judging a person causes leaks, lying causes leaks, criticism causes leaks, being fearful of something causes leaks, burdensome thoughts cause leaks. You’ve got the idea! Be careful! Don’t give your energy away!

Every day and every minute, you need one hundred percent of your energy. You need to be one hundred percent present every single moment of the day in every situation. Have you ever met people who act like they are not all there? They are stressed about things in their past or future and they can’t get their thoughts or acts together in the present. They seem scattered. They are! Their energy is literally scattered and they don’t have enough left to be present in their current daily lives. They have energy being poured into a resentful situation that happened to them as a child. They have energy draining into a power struggle at work. They have energy draining into sibling rivalry. They have energy draining into a non-harmonious romantic relationship. They are prime candidates to become energetically bankrupt—resulting in nervous breakdowns, depression, and degeneration.

This can occur to any person whose energy is not sufficient to maintain his or her health because of the choice to hold on to negative past or future situations or perhaps a resentful childhood situation. This person could have, at anytime since childhood, disconnected and stopped the energy flow, but chose to hang onto it and become depleted energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, because of it. This results in low vibrations, poor health, and their past becomes their future.

When you wake up in the morning, you need a full body vibrating with light and energy, but because of the things you have energetically invested in you can end up with only sixty or thirty percent of what you should have to function. Your cells pay the price! Your health pays the price! Your relationships pay the price! Your energy level pays the price! Your prosperity pays the price! Your present moment pays the price! Your future pays the price!

What are you investing in with your energy by means of your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions? Picture your body with energy flowing in through your head and millions of circuits emanating from your body. Picture these energy circuits as cords going to and from your body connecting other people and things. That circuitry has been created by you and can be changed by you at any time you choose.

From this moment on, think of yourself as energy being! Automatically think about everything energetically! Make it a habit. Ask yourself if what you are thinking about and the way you feel about it, mentally and emotionally, make you stronger energetically or deplete you and cause you to radiate and attract low vibrations? You live life better when you are conscious of your energy body. Your entire life will work better when you come from this new point of view. Where you send your mind and emotions is where you send a piece of yourself and determines what you receive in return.

Evaluate your energy self and what you are currently connecting with. If something disempowers you, unplug! Get out or it will cost you! Literally visualize yourself unplugging and change your thoughts and feelings to positive. At any minute you can unplug your circuits and take your energy back. You now understand that life doesn’t deal you a hand. You are creating you, yourself, moment by moment, by that which you choose to think about, speak about, and how you feel and vibrate about these things.

There are actually people who are energy-suckers. They literally drain your energy when you spend time with them. How do you know who they are? You just know. After you speak with or spend time with them for any length of time, you literally feel drained. Stay away from these people. They get their energy by taking it away from other people. They don’t have enough because they are victims or have spent their energy unwisely.

Some groups of people actually lift you up and increase your energy. In other groups, the interaction of the members is draining. Eighty-six women with advanced breast cancer were divided into two groups. One group received standard medical care; the other received medical care and weekly group therapy sessions. The women who received group therapy lived nearly twice as long as those who received only medical care. To these women, the group supplied energy. Evaluate how you feel after a group interaction and you will know whether association with these specific people is exhilarating or affecting you negatively.

What about Music?

What about it? Music is one of the most influential ways to create feelings. You can listen to music that creates positive high vibrational feelings or listen to music which blasts the energy out of your body and leaves you drained and leaking. Music itself has a vibration that can be measured. The words of music also play a major role in creating the feelings associated with the music. If you listen to music with words that scream of hatred, abuse, and bad things, then you can only expect those things to come to you. If you listen to music which speaks of love and happiness, you’ll receive the same. Even if you are not consciously listening to the words, your creative mind is.

There is something that no one else is sharing with you and it’s about time it came out! The vibrational you is represented in all three of your critical energy fields and if you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three areas, you are giving the universe mixed messages and are probably stuck on your road to success. I call it the WOW factor.
Within you: Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words, affirmations, and visualizations.
On you: Dressing to match your personal energy with the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear.
What’s around you: The flow of energy that surrounds you, your environment, influences you greatly.

You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate consistent energy from all three areas of your energy field - and the good news is that it is fun.

What Does Your Walk Say about You?

What does your walk say about you? Are you focused on your goals or do you let distractions get in the way? Do you have self-confidence? By the way, you can change the way you walk!

Enter Into the Picture

Here is the SIMPLE SECRET to a lifetime of happiness! You must use the Law of Attraction in all 3 critical areas of your energy field. I call it the WOW factor.

Within you: Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words and visualizations can make huge changes quickly in your life and your self esteem. When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change.
On you: When you dress to match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits, empowering relationship and feel more energized. Dress so that the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear have vibrations which match your personal energy.
What’s around you: The flow of energy that surrounds you influences you greatly in either achieving your goals or blocking your dreams. You are a living, breathing, energy field and your environment is part of that field.

If you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three areas of your energy field, you are giving the universe mixed message and are probably stuck on your road to success.

To make it simple, like attracts like. You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate the energy of that which you want to attract - and the good news is that it is fun. Learning to do this is the most exciting adventure you will ever take.

This article focuses on the incredible, creative power of imagination which comes from Within You.

Decide what you desire and then think of your picture, your visualization, from within the scenario. For example, do not just see a picture of yourself lying on a beach towel on the beach in the Bahamas. If you really want to accomplish a trip to the Bahamas, visualize it like this: Experience the picture as though you were lying on the beach towel on a beach in the Bahamas (rather than seeing yourself do it). What does the sand look like? Is it hot against your hands which touch the tiny grains of sand? How far away from the water are you? What color is the water? Are you enjoying the palm trees above you swaying in the breeze? Do you hear the ocean waves breaking beside you? Do you smell the ocean air? Enjoy the native girl as she asks if you want your hair braided (unless you don’t want to experience those native girls selling their wares on the beach). Listen to the steel band playing behind you from a hut on the beach. Get up and put your feet in the ocean and feel the cool waves on your toes.

You are there! You are experiencing it in advance! You are not just seeing yourself there, like a picture. You are in the picture! Yes! You are feeling what it is like to be there already!

OK, do it. Place a thought of a desired future situation in your mind. Make sure you are in the scene. Get the feeling of how you would feel if the situation were already occurring. Take a careful look at the picture. Pictures you see in your mind, that you don’t actually believe can become a reality in your life, are usually black and white, darker in color, poorly lit, somewhat blurry, far away and small.

Let’s make your picture believable. Is it in color? If not, paint your picture with beautiful bright memorable colors to enhance it.

Usually, you will need to turn the lights up on your picture. Make it bright and easy to see.

Make sure you bring your picture into focus so that it is crystal clear. It’s easy to bring the blurry edges into focus.

Next, bring the picture closer. Of course you can: it’s your mind, your thoughts, your picture, and you are in control!

If your picture is small, make it bigger and put it in the center of your mind rather than in a corner.

Is there any motion in it? It is a more memorable picture and easier to access in the future if you have some movement.

Do you hear any sounds in your picture? I hope so. Listen. Perhaps you are exclaiming with excitement that you are succeeding with your goal. Perhaps someone else is making a statement to you. Perhaps there is important background noise depending on the setting. If it is a beach, you can hear the waves splashing on the sea shore. Put some sounds into your picture.

Do you smell anything? The sense of smell is very effective in making an impression on your creative mind. Make it REAL!

Now, feel how it would feel if it had already happened, capture that feeling and intensify it! Intensify it again. Intensify it again and soak up that feeling.

You just did a mental exercise. It is called imaging or visualizing. Your mind is always picturing. It thinks in pictures. Visualizing is no more than the conscious picturing of your future. The imaginary picture you just visualized will become much easier to imagine each time you do it.

Why did you do it? What does it accomplish besides being a pleasurable way to see your future desires and goals? It creates them!

Anyone can accomplish anything if he or she believes it is possible. How is it possible to believe that you can attain a desired goal? You imagine it with feeling. You create it in your mind. The creator gave you power over one thing—your mind! It is the only thing over which you have complete unchallengeable control. Anything that you can create in your mind can to be transmitted into actions.

You have heard the prophetic lines, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul….” You are the master of your soul and the captain of your fate because you have the power to control (and exercise) your mind! You can change your life only if you consciously change the pictures in your imagination—if you use your imagination constructively, rather than use it destructively and unconsciously.

Napoleon Hill’s famous words, “Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve,” are exactly right! You first conceive your goal in your mind with the feeling you would feel if it were already accomplished. Next, you come to believe it because you repetitively see it with the feeling that it is already accomplished to the point that you know it is yours; and then you achieve it because it is created in your physical world.

The speed of achieving the physical creation often depends on the intensity of the feeling as well as the frequency and the singleness of focus of your visualization.

If you are doubtful about the process because it is so intangible, think about the miracle of electricity. Even if you know nothing about the intricate way that electricity works, you can get the same incredible benefit of it as the smartest electrician on the planet, every time you walk into a room and flip on the switch. It is the same with the picturing power of the mind. Your mind creates the picture, hopefully with conscious intention now that you know the benefits that can result, and then your life is shaped according to your thoughts. Even if you don’t understand how it works, you still receive the benefit.

Psychologists say that the imagination is one of the strongest mind powers. It is actually an age-old device. In ancient times, when a child was born into Royalty, the walls would soon become filled with pictures showing all the experiences that his parents desired in his life.

There are cases of blindfolded men having actually died because they imagined they were cut by a knife across the jugular vein, when in reality a piece of ice was used and water was allowed to drip so they could hear it and imagine their blood was running out.

Instead of fighting or worrying your way out of problems, picture yourself out of them. Take control of every aspect of your life, now, by becoming a specialist in exercising your mind! Definite tangible benefits will be the result of definite specific emotionalized action pictures. Imagine the situation as you wish it to be. Imagination is the creative power of the soul and can accomplish miracles when put to use.

You’ve frequently heard that your intelligence is your most important asset when it comes to accomplishing success. It is not! It is your imagination that shapes your life in any way you choose. Things do not happen to you, they happen through you! You are the director of every play in your mind! That which plays on your mind’s stage soon comes to play on your physical life stage.

You now know you must consciously picture what you want. If you don’t, you are unconsciously picturing what you don’t want. The normal activity of the mind is to picture. Imagination is the author of everything that is formed in the universe. Everything in the universe that has ever come forth, whether it be good or bad, has been brought forth by the creative imagination of mankind. A good example of such a creation is Morgan Robertson’s book, FUTILITY. In 1898, a novel was written about an Atlantic liner, larger than any had ever been built before. In Robertson’s book, the passengers were complacent, rich people. The ship was wrecked on an iceberg and all passengers were killed. Fourteen years later a British shipping company, the White Star line, built a steamer strikingly similar to the one in Robertson’s novel. The new liner was 66,000 tons; the one in Robertson’s book was 70,000 tons. The new liner was 882.5 feet long; the one in Robertson’s book was 800 feet. The new liner could carry about 3000 people; the same with the one in Robertson’s book. Both had only enough lifeboats for a fraction of the people aboard. Both were labeled “unsinkable.” Robertson’s ship was called the Titan; the White Star Line called its ship the Titanic. The scheme was conceived by the author, presented in a book to the minds of the world, who obviously believed it to be possible, because it was achieved.

Deity gives us the power to create. There is no creation without that power. Use it with integrity or pay the consequences! As you visualize and imagine your desires, be guided by knowing that what you desire is for the good of all involved.

People ask me if this is manipulating life. You bet it is. It is direct God-given manipulation with the mind that he has given you. Of all the faculties of man, imagination is the most God-like. Remember that the automatic natural action of the mind is to picture. If you are not taking charge of your life by consciously picturing what you want in a constructive way, you are unconsciously picturing what you don’t want in a destructive way. Deliberate visualization with intense feeling is not only the best way to create your life; it is the best way to change your life. Use it to resolve family or relationship problems, to change your finances, and to create healing.

Fashion from the Soul - Do You Use it?

Experience the incredible feeling of stepping into your true power. Most people think the law of attraction is only at work in their lives by what they think, say and feel; that basically they work only with what’s inside them and forget what’s on the outside. You are giving the universe mixed messages if you do only practice the law of energy as it relates to thoughts, feelings, and words because of equal importance in creating the life you want as it relates to what you wear, what’s on you. When you dress to match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits, empowering relationships, and feel more energized.

For information on Fashion From the Soul and upcoming Workshops, send Glenda your email address or go to her website and fill in the Fashion from the Soul OPT IN Box on the left side of her home page:

Bob Proctor and I

Here I am with Bob Proctor in his home office. On his desk is an open book; It has been open to that page for months. He picks one passage and meditates on it to get it's full meaning. He is a GREAT MENTOR!

Glenda & Twins-What's the Difference between Dreams & Goals?

The twins and two of my five daughters. They were in highly in debt and began making vision boards, writing their goals, and putting their dreams on paper. Soon, they were making their first million. Today they live a luxurious life style and help others turn their dreams in to goals and then into reality.

Tammera Ates left this comment on my facebook about the twins.
"I learned from the Twins in less than 2 min. how to set a Goal. They was "Dreaming" for a Window in there room addition. Kari put her hands up where the window was to be. and said "THE GOAL IS" to have a window right here. (not, I want a window) she then wrote it on a piece of paper EXACTLY what kind of window. showed me the DATE they were coming to put it in. and two weeks later when I saw the twins again....Wha la there was the window. Simple?, maybe,however now when I get up in the morning, I set "goals" for the simplest tasks. which help me understand the "process" for the BIG DREAMS! Thank you again Glenda for adding such Value to our lives!"

Make the Effort

Shea (my youngest daughter) and I taking a breather on our climb to the Great Wall of China-it was like anything else; when you look back down, you know it was worth the effort.

Bardi Toto's Testimonial

Thanks to Bardi Toto for her testimonial! Bardi is a pretty hot gal herself; she has amazing knowledge about social media networks and how is all can work for your benefit. This gal really knows her stuff! Checkout her website

While I'm Sitting the Universe will bring me ENERGY and PROSPERITY!

I am going to my greanddaughter's dance competition in Disneyland for the next three days. You may think this is unusual but I carry a small compass in my purse where ever I go-it's just as important to me as lipstick! When I sit for any period of time, I make sure I am sitting in one of my best personal success directions. As I sit there the universe will bring me prosperity, energy and success. You can find out your personal specific directions and an article on how to use them for FREE, just visit my website

The WOW Factor!

WELCOME to my blog! We've been playing with it for a while, but we are finally off and running! Enjoy the WOW factor, my daughters and I use it for success-it truly works!

Attraction in Action is the Law of Attraction. There is something that no one else is telling you about the Law of Attraction and it’s about time you heard it. You can have an abundance of wealth, rich rewarding relationships and deep personal growth by simply changing a few things. It is what I call the WOW factor. It is using the law of attraction from inside out. It is using the Law of Attraction in three simple easy ways:
WITHIN you - Putting the Law of Attraction to work in your thoughts, feeling, words and visualizations can make huge changes quickly in your life and your self esteem. When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change.
ON you - When you dress to match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits, empowering relationship and feel more energized. Dress so that the colors, fabrics, and clothing you wear have vibrations which match your personal energy.
WHAT’S AROUND you - The flow of energy that surrounds you influences you greatly in either achieving your goals or blocking your dreams. You are a living,
If you are not using the Law of Attraction in all three critical areas of your energy field, you are giving the universe mixed message and are probably stuck on your road to success.
Here is the SIMPLE SECRET to a lifetime of happiness! You must use the Law of Attraction in all 3 critical areas of your energy field. To make it simple, like attracts like. You can learn to hold the vision and incorporate the habits that allow you to radiate the energy of that which you want to attract - and the good news is that it is fun. Learning to do this is the most exciting adventure you will ever take. Once you begin, you will begin seeing change in your life immediately!
It’s a way you can be lucky all the time. YOU can have everything you want. YOU can make your dreams come true, even the big ones! Life is not about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself and there are a few little secrets you need to know to make a huge difference in every aspect of your life. Can you imagine what might happen to you if you took a few steps that would start to generate instant and immediate results for your success, health, relationships and personal growth?

Create success, feel healthy, have great relationships, a booming business and a satisfying personal life all the time. Sound amazing? Not amazing at all. It’s simple. It’s easy and you can do it. You can design the outcome of your life.
Do you think you are already using the Law of Attraction but still feel overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed? Do you ever feel like you aren’t moving forward in your life? Is your life stagnant? Well, now is the time to step into your power. You can change your life and level of happiness by making a few simple changes. Your life is under your control. There are many people who are stuck, and don’t seem to be able to go forward, even when they are mindful of the thoughts and words they project to the universe. They do not understand that the influence of their environment is at work 24 hours a day every week of their lifetime. The flow of energy that surrounds you influences you greatly in either achieving your goals or blocking your dreams. Remember, you are a living, breathing, energy field and your environment is part of that field. Also important in changing your life and level of happiness is using the law of attraction to change your energy in what is on you, what you wear. When you dress with colors, fabrics, and design that match your personal energy, you will enjoy increased profits and empowering relationship by attracting the right people to you.

Have you ever noticed that some people just get lucky all the time? They are always in the right place at the right time. They get all the breaks. They have terrific relationships and they have all the toys. They are living and using the law of attraction in their whole energy field. If you don’t, you are giving the universe mixed messages. How do you expect to get what you want when you can’t even be clear about it?
Basically it’s all about energy. You change everything when you change your energy. Sound strange? Not really. Everything that looks stationary is actually moving and constantly vibrating. Things may appear stationary, but if you look at them under a very strong microscope, you’ll see things are moving. You are moving and vibrating at a particular energy level. You are living energy. You and everything else is vibrating energy in a vast field where you interact with your family, play, work, and live life. What you think, feel and say, what you wear, and what is around you in your environment is resulting in the flow of energy that you radiate. Your living, breathing energy field is creating your life. If this is new to you, it is not new to the universe or to people who are successful. Remember those people who always get the breaks and get what they want. They know the habits that put them right where they need to be to attract and create just what they want and you can learn to do this too.
There is an inside secret that successful people don’t spread around, simply because they are too busy using it, it’s ‘Energy Flows where your attention goes.’ Whatever you put your energy on in your thoughts, words and feelings, will be enhanced and will expand in your life. The question is what kind of thoughts, words, and feelings are you giving your attention to. Are you thinking about how things aren’t working or how they will be when they are exactly the way you want them? Whatever you are thinking, speaking and feeling is what you will get more of. What are you wearing? When people see you do they see the real you inside or an image that you made, created to project to the world? What you wear is part of your energy field and is attracting or repelling people and situations. What is your environment telling the universe? Is your environment uncluttered and do you have images that project your goals and dreams? The universe is made up of five elements. Are you using them in a balance way in your home or office?
To really utilize the best of the Law of Attraction, you need to couple the mental part (IN you) with the way that you present yourself and your vibrations to the world (ON you), and to support it with an environment that resonates with your energy (AROUND you). When you put the habits of thinking, speaking, and feeling together properly so that your energy goes out and attracts the things you want, you will begin to see the most amazing things happen! Add to that radiating energy into the universe by the vibrations of the colors and fabrics which are on you and powerful messages being sent by the environment around you, and you’ll find there is no way to fail!

Bonuses Instead of Pink Slips!

Each of us is a magnet! You do not have to force success and prosperity to yourself. You can naturally attract it! When you choose to radiate prosperity instead of fear over the recession, you will start receiveing raises in pay, and money coming from unexpected sources. I was reminded of this when a few of my friends and I received unexpected bonuses from $4,000 to $15,000 during the past few days. This was not an accident; it can happen to you too. Radiate out what you want with your thoughts and emotions and be open to receive!

Glenda Feilen