Glenda & Twins-What's the Difference between Dreams & Goals?

The twins and two of my five daughters. They were in highly in debt and began making vision boards, writing their goals, and putting their dreams on paper. Soon, they were making their first million. Today they live a luxurious life style and help others turn their dreams in to goals and then into reality.

Tammera Ates left this comment on my facebook about the twins.
"I learned from the Twins in less than 2 min. how to set a Goal. They was "Dreaming" for a Window in there room addition. Kari put her hands up where the window was to be. and said "THE GOAL IS" to have a window right here. (not, I want a window) she then wrote it on a piece of paper EXACTLY what kind of window. showed me the DATE they were coming to put it in. and two weeks later when I saw the twins again....Wha la there was the window. Simple?, maybe,however now when I get up in the morning, I set "goals" for the simplest tasks. which help me understand the "process" for the BIG DREAMS! Thank you again Glenda for adding such Value to our lives!"


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