Appreciating Money Can Prosper You

Do you wonder why it is important to cultivate a good attitude about money? Money is filled with the intelligence of the universe from which it is created. Money reacts to your attitude about it. You attract what you appreciate and money responds accordingly. If you think favorably about money, you multiply and increase it, however if you criticize and condemn it in any way, either your own money or another’s, you dissipate it and repel it from you. If you were to study the lives and experiences of prosperous-minded people, you would find that they have a friendly attitude toward money.

Remember that your thoughts make your world. Your thoughts about money have to be appreciative in order for money to appreciate you and be attracted to you. You should never declare, “I can’t afford this”. You don’t want to talk about being ‘down an out’, or even speak unkindly about those who have money. It is not wise to magnify financial difficulties. If you brag or discuss your financial troubles (and some people actually do so to gain attention or sympathy), then you will always have financial troubles to brag about.

Do not discuss the financial difficulties of others. If you think of yourself as prosperous but of others as living in lack, through the law of attraction you are inviting the same thing to happen to you. The golden rule of prosperous thinking is that you should not think or say anything concerning another’s financial affairs that you would not want to experience in your own.

When you hear of another’s good fortune, wealthy possessions or inheritance, you should feel great joy and appreciation. Don’t think, talk, or act any way but prosperously. Don’t allow others to talk to you in any way but prosperously. Don’t read anything or take seriously anything that is printed or on TV that is contrary to prosperous thinking.

Think of it as money being charged with divine intelligence that tunes in on what you say or think about it, and responds accordingly. Have a prosperous attitude towards money. Use this affirmation daily: “All financial doors are open and free and endless money now comes to me.”

Let the journey begin as you feel gratitude for all that is coming to you, all that comes to others, and all the abundance in the universe. Mentally and emotionally bask in abundance and appreciate it! Welcome money from all directions.


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