If Dreams were for sale - What would you buy?

Drs. Tei Fu and Oi Lin Chen are great examples of why you must have a dream. They came here years ago with a child and a suitcase. They got their first couch out of a dumpster. Today, their company, Sunrider International, has a history of 28 years of rock-solid stability and they are doing business in 43 countries. Dr. Chen said, "What is wrong with people? They just don't dream big enough!"
King Solomon, the richest man who ever lived, even by todays standards had a mantra, "Without a vision, the people perish". What is YOUR vision? What is YOUR dream? Is it big enough? Are you taking steps daily to make it a reality. Have you gotten rid of the distractions? If you don't destry them, they will destroy you! Dream big and big things will happen.


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